Beatrice Allegranti’s publications span academic scholarship, creative writing, poetry and spoken word. All her writing emerges from, and is entangled with, somatic, movement and choreographic practices.
Following a pathbreaking interdisciplinary PhD (2007) integrating feminism, psychotherapy and choreography, Beatrice Allegranti’s writing and research continues to evolve from her transdisciplinary justice-focused practice.
See Research Excellence Framework report for 2021 and Beatrice Allegranti’s 4* award for the Impact Case Study based on her Moving Kinship research.
Beatrice supervises interdisciplinary doctoral research across the arts, humanities and science, including supporting candidates with with successful TECHNE awards.
Allegranti, B. (forthcoming 2024) Moving Kinship: Practicing Feminist Justice in a More-than-Human World. London: Routledge.
Allegranti, B. (2011). Embodied Performances: Sexuality, Gender, Bodies, London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Articles and Book Chapters
Allegranti, B. (2023) ‘Feminist Kinship: A Politics of Now.’ Opinión 51, Mexico.
Jacob, J., Rae, J.P., Allegranti, B., Duncan, C. and Cooper, M., (2023) ‘Enhancing mental health and well‐being outcomes for psychotherapy and counselling through idiographic analysis: A four‐quadrant approach.’ Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
Allegranti, B. (2022) Moving With the Trouble. In Borrowed Time: On Death, Dying and Change. Povall, R. (ed). Art.Earth Books.
Allegranti, B. & Silas. J. (2021). ‘Intra-active Signatures in Capoeira: More-than-Human Pathways Towards Activism’ Emotion, Society, Space. (38), 1007-47.
Allegranti, B. (2020). ‘Dancing Activism: Choreographing the Material With/in Dementia’. In Chaiklin, S. and Wendgrower, H. International Perspectives of Dance Dance/Movement Therapy Theory, Practice and Research’. New York: Routledge.
Allegranti, B. (2019). ‘Moving Kinship: Between Choreography, Performance and the More-than-Human’. In Prickett, S, and Thomas, H. The Routledge Handbook for Dance Studies. London: Routledge.
Allegranti, B., and Halko, W. (2018). Eros, Sexuality and Gender Editorial. Special Issue on Sexuality and Gender. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. July, Issue 3.
Allegranti, B. (2017). ‘(Im)possible Performatives: A Feminist Corporeal Account of Loss’ in Karkou., V., Oliver, S., Lycouris, S., Dance and Movement for Wellbeing. Oxford University Press.
Allegranti, B. (2016). ‘Corporeal Entanglements: Dancing through the looking glass and into 21stCentury Feminist Possibilities for the Arts Therapies’ in Hougham, R., Scoble, S., (Eds.) Dimensions of Reflection in the Arts Therapies. UK: Routledge.
Allegranti, B. (2016) ‘Embodying Social Justice: Moving the Future of Psychotherapy’. Transformations. UK: Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility.
Allegranti, B. (2016) ‘Dementia and Embodied Psychotherapy’. Therapy Today Magazine. BACP Publication. Cover story. Readership of over 40,000.
Allegranti, B. (2014). ‘Corporeal Kinship: Dancing the Entanglements of Love and Loss’. In Wyatt, J. and Adams, T. On (Writing) Families: Autoethnographies of Presence and Absence, Love and Loss. UK: Sense Publications.
Allegranti, B. (2014). ‘Corporeal Kinship: Dancing the Entanglements of Love and Loss’. In Wyatt, J. and Adams, T. On (Writing) Families: Autoethnographies of Presence and Absence, Love and Loss. UK: Sense Publications.
Allegranti, B. (2013). ‘The Politics of Becoming Bodies: Sex, Gender and Intersubjectivity in Motion, Arts in Psychotherapy, 40:4, 394-403.
Allegranti, B. and Wyatt, J. (2014) ‘Witnessing Loss: A Feminist Material-Discursive Account’, Qualitative Inquiry. 20:4, 533-543. Winner of the 2015 Norman K. Denzin Qualitative Research Award.
Allegranti, B. (2011). ‘Ethics and Body Politics: Interdisciplinary Possibilities for Embodied Psychotherapeutic Practice and Research’. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 39: 5, 1-14.
Allegranti, B. (2009). ‘Embodied Performances of Sexuality and Gender: A feminist approach to Dance Movement Psychotherapy and Performance Practice’, Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. Vol. 4, No. 1, April 2009, 17–31.
Allegranti, B. (2009). ‘Personal Text Public Body’ in Allegue. L, Jones. S, Kershaw. B, Piccini. A, (eds), Practice-as-Research in Performance and Screen, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Includes text, images and film material on DVD.
Allegranti, B. (2008) Personal Text Public Body DVD production, (60 mins colour), English subtitles. A selection of 36 film episodes about the performance of ‘selves’ in everyday life, with specific attention to gender and sexuality. This film selection also appears in my first monograph Embodied Performances (Palgrave Macmilan).
Allegranti, B. (2007) ‘A Postmodern Approach to Dance Movement Therapy’, Emotion: Association for Dance Movement Therapy Quarterly, Vol. XIV, No.21.
Allegranti, B. (2004) ‘Personal Text Public Body: Introducing an integrative model’, Emotion: Association for Dance Movement Therapy Quarterly, Vol. XIV, No.8.
Allegranti, B. and Hagell, R. (2002). ‘aroundthebend: two artists are strengthened by the collaborative process’, Journal of Media Practice, Vol 1, No.3.
Allegranti, B. (1994) ‘Bringing Weight to Consciousness’, Contact Connection. Vol 3:5.
UK and International Keynotes & Public Talks
Allegranti, B. (2022) Moving Kinship as Transdisciplinary Feminism, invited talk at University of Cambridge.
Allegranti, B. (2022) More-than-Human Activism: panel chair and workshop facilitation at Sentient Performativities, Dartington Arts.
Allegranti, B. (2022) Moving Kinship with the More-than-Human. Invited talk at What Dance Can Do Symposium at Chichester University.
Allegranti, B. (2021) Research paper and screening of Moving with the Trouble at PhEmaterialism 3rd Wave 17th November.
Allegranti, B. (2021) Keynote screening of Moving with the Trouble and paper at the Borrowed Time Festival, Dartington Hall.
Allegranti, B. (2021) Moving Kinship with the More-than-Human keynote at the University of Bergen, Social Acoustics Conference.
Allegranti, B. (2021): Keynote and workshop ‘Moving Kinship with the More-than-Human’ at European Dance Movement Therapy Symposium: The Dancing Brain.
Allegranti. B. (2020) ‘Micro-movements of activism in the Jogo de Capoeira’ at the First International Youth Development Seminar with Project Bantu and the New South Wales Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors. Australia.
Allegranti, B. (2019) Shouting Silently Keynote at Social Inclusion in the Arts Symposium, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Japan. Ending a week’s residency of workshops at TMT details here.
Allegranti B, (2019) Moving Kinship: Towards Corporeal Cultures of Equality. Keynote at Horizon 2020 Marie S. Curie Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe conference. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Allegranti B, and Halstead, J. (2018) I’ve Lost You Only To Discover That I Have Gone Missing. Socially Engaged Arts Symposium, University of Bergen and Bergen International Festival.
Allegranti B, and Halstead, J. (2018) ‘I Can’t Find Myself’, invited paper and film screening at Undisciplining Music: Musicology Without Borders, University of Bergen.
Allegranti B, (2018) ‘Moving Kinship’ invited paper, panel contribution and workshop at Undisciplining Music: Musicology Without Borders, University of Bergen.
Allegranti, B. (2017) ‘Making Sense of Tangled Losses With/in Dementia’. Invited paper and live performance. Psychoanalysis and Creativity in Lifelong Learning Conference. University of Canterbury Christchurch.
Allegranti, B. (2017) Embodied Signatures: A Neurofeminist Investigation of Kinaesthetic Intersubjectivity in Psychotherapy and in Everyday Life. Invited paper and workshop. American Association for Dance Therapy Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Allegranti, B. and Silas. J. (2017) Embodied Signatures: A Neurofeminist Investigation of Kinaesthetic Intersubjectivity in Psychotherapy and in Everyday Life. Invited paper and workshop. University of Edinburgh.
Allegranti. B. (2017) ‘Embodied Intersubjectivity: Implications for Practice and Research in Psychotherapy’, Invited paper and discussion. University of Edinburgh Public Seminar Series.
Allegranti. B. (2016) ‘Dancing Dementia Activism’, paper and film screening. Embodying Social Justice Conference, University of Roehampton, London.
Allegranti, B. & Silas, J. (2016) ‘The Art and Science of Kinasthetic Intersubjectivty: Social Justice in Motion’. Paper & Workshop. Embodying Social Justice Conference, University of Roehampton, London, June 10th-11th.
Allegranti, B. (2015) ‘Corporeal Entanglements: Kineasthetic Intersubjectivity and Body Politics in Psychotherapy’. Keynote at Therapy in Motion: Therapeutic body language, proximity, movement and somatic communication, CONFER, London. CONFER – Therapy in Motion
Allegranti, B. and Silas, J. (2014) ‘What Moves Us: A bio-psycho-social investigation of kinesthetic intersubjectivity in capoeira’. Lecture and Film screening. Embodied Methodologies: An international and interdisciplinary symposium. CATR, University of Roehampton, London. Centre for Arts Therapies Research
Allegranti, B. and Halstead, J. (2014) ‘Where’s the Body?’: Entanglements between music, dance and film. University of Stavanger, Department of Music and Dance, Norway & Embodied Methodologies: An international and interdisciplinary symposium. CATR, University of Roehampton, London. Centre for Arts Therapies Research
Allegranti, B. and Wyatt. J. (2014) ‘Witnessing Loss’, Film screening and Discussion. Somerhall Arts Centre, Edinburgh & Embodied Methodologies: An international and interdisciplinary symposium. CATR, University of Roehampton, London.
Allegranti, B. (2013) ‘Working with Matter and Meaning in Artistic Research’. Keynote at Jiří Kylián – One of A Kind – Symposium on Artistic Research for Dance and Music professionals at Codarts. Beatrice Allegranti, Jens Badura and Scott DeLahunta each presented their work and led discussion.
Allegranti, B. (2013) ‘Becoming Bodies: Dancing Through the Looking Glass and into 21st Century possibilities for the Arts Therapies’, Lecture and film screening. Ecarte – European Arts Therapies Consortium, Paris. Ecarte
Allegranti, B. (2014) ‘Becoming Bodies’, Lecture and film screening – Arts Based Research Methodologies. University of Edinburgh
Allegranti, B. (2014) ‘Becoming Bodies’, Lecture and film excerpts. International De Video Danse Bourgougne, France, First International Video Dance Conference Bourgogne
Allegranti, B. (2013) ‘Becoming Bodies’, Lecture and film screening. Centre for Arts Therapies Research Seminar Series, University of Roehampton. CATR
Allegranti, B. (2013) ‘The Politics of Becoming Bodies’ Lecture and Film screening. 9th Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Lecture and Film screening. QI
Allegranti, B. and Wyatt. J. (2013) ‘Witnessing Loss’ 9th Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Lecture and Film screening. QI
Allegranti, B. (2012) Where’s the Body?: Interdisciplinary reflections on the ethics and politics of embodiment, Arts Therapies, Gender and Health Conference, Concordia University, Montreal. Programme
Allegranti, B. & Wyatt, J. (2012) ‘Performing our Losses into Being’ at the CATR Embodying Loss Symposium, Siobhan Davies Dance Studios, London at Embodying Loss Symposium (curator and presenter), CATR + Siobhan Davies Dance Studios, London.
Allegranti, B., (2011) ‘Under my skin: Capoeira and the politics of embodiment’: 18th International Capoeira Batizado, Cordão de Ouro UK, Dance Attic Studios, London.
Allegranti, B., Meekums, B., Bunce, J., (2010) ‘Developing constructive tutor-student communication by becoming more aware of ‘thinking through the body’, workshop & presentation at the Higher Education Academy Conference: Festival of Learning.
Allegranti, B., (2010) ‘Intersubjective Bodies’ Film Screening and Textual presentation at Kinesthetic Empathy: Concepts and Contexts International Conference: of practice-based research. University of Manchester. Watching Dance Ning & Watching Dance Project
Allegranti, B., (2008) ‘Personal and Public Ethics: Giving an Account of Embodied Practice and Research’: hYbrid: Reflections between Science and Art. Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, at the National Museum of Porto. IBMC
Allegranti, B., (2008) ‘Personal Text Public Body: Giving an Account of Embodied Practice and Research’, Keynote. The Arts in Mental Health Symposium & Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation
Allegranti, B., (2006) ‘The Performance of Sexuality and Gender’, (performance, paper and film), Association for Dance Movement Therapy UK International Research Conference, Roehampton University London. ADMPUK
Allegranti, B., (2005) ‘Personal Text Public Body: The Performance of Sexuality and Gender with/in Interdisciplinary Practice’: performance, paper and film screening. PARIP (performance as research in practice) International Conference, Bretton Hall, Leeds.
Allegranti, B., (2005) ‘Fleshy Encounters between Performance, Everyday life and Research Methodology’. 2nd International Research Colloquium in Dance/Movement Therapy, Hohenwart Forum / Pforzheim, Germany. Review
Allegranti, B., (2005) ‘Personal Text Public Body: Qualitative Research within Interdisciplinary Practice’: Paper, First Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, International Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. QI
Allegranti, B., (2004) ‘Personal Text Public Body: A Feminist Interdisciplinary Practice’: Paper, Interdisciplinary Landscapes: Postfeminist Practices in the Arts. Northampton University.
Allegranti, B., (2004) ‘The performance of gendered identities within interdisciplinary practice’: paper at 1st International Research Colloquium in Dance Movement Therapy. Hanover, Germany. Review
Allegranti, B., (1999) ‘Exploring the social construction of gender through movement improvisation’: paper and workshop, International Arts Therapies Conference. University of Wales.
Photo: Jackie King
Illustrations: Neil Max Emmanuel