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Crossing Borders at Independent Dance

Crossing Borders at Independent Dance

Crossing Borders at Independent Dance, Siobhan Davies Dance Studios


Moving Kinship:

Between choreography, performance and the politics of everyday life

27th November 2018 

Beatrice Allegranti and Jonathan Silas


Luke Birch, Aneta Zwyerzinska, Takeshi Matsumoto, Sabrina Gargano, Maria Olga Galliani, Chiara De Palo


mobius strip V03 - lowres

Commissioned Illustration ‘Posthuman Mobius’ by Neil Max Emmanuel will feature in Beatrice Allegranti’s forthcoming book.


This conversation presented ongoing interdisciplinary choreographic, dance movement psychotherapy and neuroscientific practice, research and activism with people living with young onset dementia, their families and the artistic team Beatrice Allegranti Company. Informed by feminist new materialism and cognitive neuroscience, Allegranti and Silas explored the ethics and politics of creating dance not only for an audience but within through audiences. A ‘moving kinship’ was proposed as an entangled embodied practice that enables us to think about human and more-than-human-bodies and worlds simultaneously. The event included performative vignettes as ways to think through kinship with/in the choreographic process, performance and, for the living of everyday life.

Listen to the MP3 audio file here.

Moving Kinship is an ongoing project that includes a full production of I’ve Lost You Only To Discover That I Have Gone Missing, Participatory Dances for families living with young onset dementia and several publications including Beatrice Allegranti’s forthcoming book.




Cover illustration: Neil Max Emmanuel