Continuing Professional Development is based on my extensive feminist practice, pedagogy and research, and suitable for dance artists, actors/theatre makers, musicians, martial artists, yoga practitioners and arts therapists. I offer regular professional workshops, residential courses and as well as individual mentoring and clinical supervision for artists. My approach is informed by my professional experience over the past 25 years including dance, choreography, capoeira, somatics, yoga and trauma-informed movement psychotherapy.
CONTACT me for further information and bookings.
International Online
Feminist Clinical Supervision Group
This monthly, experiential online group is open to international body-based therapists, dance movement psychotherapists, and verbal psychotherapists seeking to engage with clinical material from a feminist, more-than-human perspective and to work with peers across the world.
Why Join?
This group emphasises:
– Accountability for intersectional body politics and unconscious biases
– The influence of social, political, economic, and environmental systems on our practice
– Trauma-responsive, embodied approaches to psychotherapy
– Ethical and congruent relational responses through movement and language
– Start Date: January 2025
– Frequency: Monthly, on Thursday afternoons/evenings (1.5-hour sessions), Max group size 6 people
– Where: ONLINE
– Commitment: 6-month minimum recommended
– Cost: £60 per session
About me:
With over 30 years of experience, I am an award-winning feminist choreographer, filmmaker, writer, researcher, and somatic movement trauma psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. I supervise therapists working in private practice, in the UK NHS, and international practitioners in the U.S., Japan, Sri-Lanka, and across Europe.
My transdisciplinary work in dance, mental health, and activism has influenced practitioners worldwide. My new book, ‘Moving Kinship: Practicing Feminist Justice in a More-than-Human World’ (Routledge, 2024), highlights the themes central to this feminist intersectional approach.
Register: Email allegramoves@gmail.com
24th February 2024: ONE DAY WORKSHOP
Moving with Intersectionality
This introductory workshop draws from Beatrice Allegranti’s practice and new book.
23rd March 2024: ONE DAY WORKSHOP
Moving with the Trouble of Trauma
This introductory workshop draws from Beatrice Allegranti’s practice and new book.
I really valued the pace and tone of the event and how Beatrice guided and prompted us on our journey to reveal, express and be curious about the material, gestures and movement that surfaced within the space. Thank you Beatrice for providing such a wonderful experience, I felt deeply enriched and enlivened as I left.
Amanda, Dance Movement Psychotherapist, Moving the Material Workshop
I learned about how to be coherent with the politics of age as I moved alone and with another person.
Workshop participant, Ageless Festival, Yorkshire Dance
The training was profound and valuable, both at a professional and personal level. The pedagogy was interesting and confirmed the richness of co-creating, co-learning and empowering personal/group experiences.
Silvia, Movement Artist/Multi-Modal Creative Movement Therapist, Moving with the Trouble of Trauma Workshop
I thoroughly enjoyed the event. From arriving a little anxious, the clear guidance and warm demeanour helped ground me. I was pleasantly surprised at how much material the kinship exercise brought up for me and felt more equipped to clearly articulate some of what had emerged for me, both in the withnessing and verbal sharing. In the relatively short time, I felt very connected to the others and the space. I left the workshop reminded of the creative and communicative powers of movement which was reassuring to feel so strongly again during an uncertain, transitional period in my career.
Jenn, Dance Movement Psychotherapist, Moving the Material Workshop
The interweaving of movement, verbal reflections and groups discussions around the themes laid out by Beatrice on the day made the content digestible, and created a safe environment for exploration and growth.
May-Helen, Dance Movement Psychotherapist, Moving with Intersectionality Workshop
It became a process of moving my felt-sense and noticing how that was tangled up with someone else’s. I experienced pockets of movement that were so deeply embodied that I wasn’t sure if they were mine or someone else’s.
Workshop Participant, Wellcome Collection
It was quite a profound experience. I experienced a sense of the environmental catastrophe and my autobiographical place within that.
Dance Artist, Independent Dance Morning Classes
Beatrice is regularly invited to teach and facilitate workshops for dancers, actors, arts therapists and psychotherapists around the world including: The Place, Independent Dance, Siobhan Davies Dance Studios, Laban, RADA, Drama Studio London, Sesame at London School of Speech and Drama, Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility UK, The Polish Institute for DMT, Warsaw, Codarts, Rotterdam, The Theatre Academy, Helskinki, The Grieg Academy of Music, Bergen, The Arts in Mental Health in Hong Kong, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, St Georges NHS Trust, Wellcome Collection, Ageless Festival Yorkshire, The Last Chapter Festival Norway, Dementia Pathfinders UK.